All, American browser extension

Browser extension, Digital art

/ 2017
A Chrome browser extension that replaces words for increased news comprehension

This Chrome browser extension helps make they into we. Use it while reading your favorite news sites.

All, American
Javascript and HTML browser extension

Most people choose to ignore the challenges faced by places like Baltimore and Detroit. It’s easy imagine poverty, crime, disinvestment, systemic racism as “their” problems, not “our” problems. When you consider entire cities, people, and neighborhoods as someplace else, disconnected from your own daily life, it’s easy to write them off and justify maintaining the status quo.

Even well-intentioned journalists use language that allows their audience to ignore the deep-rooted systemic problems in our country.

Try it yourself in your Chrome-based browser

All, American. This Google Chrome browser extension replaces words like 'Detroit' & 'Baltimore' with 'America.' Replaces words like 'slum' & 'ghetto' with 'place where Americans live.'

Screenshots of articles viewed with the All, American browser extension

A screenshot of a news article viewed with the All, American browser extension — Business Insider: America Decides Some Neighborhoods Just Aren't Worth Saving. In America the wrecks stretch for blocks and blocks in every direction...
A screenshot of a news article viewed with the All, American browser extension — 'The Remains of Detroit' translated to 'The Remains of America'
A screenshot of a news article viewed with the All, American browser extension — Detroit files for bankruptcy... America files for bankruptcy...
Google search for 'The problem with Detroit' that returns a result for 'Decline of America'
Public Print Lab
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