The Adventures of Prince Achmed

Film Score, Music Composition, Performance

/ 2018

A live score performed for The Adventures of Prince Achmed, the silent German animated masterpiece by Lotte Reiniger (1926)

Performed live on October 13, 2018 at the Parkway Theatre in Baltimore, MD USA

Foley Sound Effects Artists: Matt Davies and Rich Bussey
Musicians: Phil Davis, Ryan Murray, Albert Birney, Sarah Hughes, Bruce Willen, Stephen Santillan, Emmanuel Nicolaidis, Ami Dang, Gretchen Lohse, Thomas Hughes, Deakin and Geologist (from Animal Collective).

Video Documentation: Tori Markham & Devin McBay
Video Edit: Phil Davis

Presented as part of the Sweaty Eyeballs Animation series curated and programmed by Phil Davis.

Symphonie Diagonale
Peals – Wind Honey